Help Center / FAQ


To create a Wellness Adviser account as a buyer

1. Click on the icon on the top right of the home page, and then choose the buyer > Register option. From there, you will be guided through the registration process.
2. Once you fill out your basic information, an activation link will be sent to you by email.
3. Once you click on the link, voila! You are now a part of the Wellness Adviser community.

To create a Wellness Adviser account as a Vendor

1. Click on the icon on the top right of the home page, and then choose the Wellness Vendor > Register option.
2. To register as a vendor, you will need to provide photos and descriptions of your facility and treatments, descriptions of your team and bank account details to facilitate payment transfers.
3. You will also be asked for a copy of your license(s) to be uploaded to Wellness Adviser to approve before your registration is completed.
4. Once this information is completed, a link will be sent to your email. Click the link and your registration is complete!
5. Once you are a Wellness Adviser host, you can continue to manage your facility’s profile from your control panel, changing advertising copy and photos, adding new treatments and offering promotions.

Wellness Adviser can limit, suspend or delist your host account based on the terms listed in its Terms and Conditions. If this occurs, Wellness Adviser will send you an email which will outline the next steps to be taken in order to re-activate your account and/or refund any pending selections from buyers.

Please read Wellness Adviser’s terms and conditions carefully before completing registration.

Wellness Adviser can limit, suspend or deactivate your guest account based on the terms listed in its Terms and Conditions. Wellness Adviser will send you an email which will outline the next steps to be taken in order to re-activate your account. In the case that we are unable to re-activate your account, any completed selection will be cancelled.

Payment & Communication

Buyers pay for their merchandise or services directly to vendors 

All transactions can be paid in all currency based on your agreement with vendors

Wellness Adviser serves as a platform to safely and seamlessly connect buyers and wellness vendors around the world. Our payment platform is part of our Trade Safe service. Paying through Wellness Adviser’s payment system helps ensure that both the buyer and the vendor are protected by Wellness Adviser’s Terms and Conditions, when you are using Trade Safe - Free Service for Buyers.

Buyers are only required to pay the price that is listed for the merchandise or service on the Wellness Adviser site. Thus, each wellness vendor on Wellness Adviser must take responsibility for paying any necessary local taxes for the transactions that take place on the site. This can be done by including taxes into the total price of any treatment listed.

After you complete a purchase you selected through Wellness Adviser, you can review the vendor by visiting the wellness vendor profile, rating and describing your experience. Reviews will be visible under the wellness vendor’s profile.

As a vendor, you may reply to a review up to 14 days after the review is posted. Your reply will show up directly under the review.

Wellness Adviser encourages the use of reviews to provide feedback to wellness Vendors and help Buyers make informed choices. Wellness Adviser does not edit reviews; however we reserve the right to remove reviews that violate our review policy.

Our content policy does not allow:

  • Reviews that use bad language, threats or defamation
  • Reviews that reveal incriminating personal information
  • Reviews that do not accurately represent the guest’s experience
  • Reviews that promote illegal or contraband activity

Users cannot remove a review, although you can respond to it. If a user feels that a review violates Wellness Adviser’s review guidelines, please report the review by emailing us at